Dobava in vgradnja okenskih polic
We partner with Construction companies to fill positions from Project Administrators to Site Engineers.
Obdelava in izdelava cokla, napuščev, stropov, špalet, frčad…
The application of knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to activities in order to meet the requirements of a particular project.
Toplotna izolacija pri novogradnjah in sanacija starejših hiš (vseh vrst fasad)
We provide provides a comprehensive range of services for industrial plants and facilities include Space Planners and Interior Architects.
Postavitev in demontaža fasadnega odra ali dvigala
We provides comprehensive construction management consulting services that provide the best results for your project.
Obdelava in izolacija balkonov
Architecture encompasses the pragmatic aspects of realizing buildings and structures, including cost estimation and construction administration.
Barvanje fasade, lesa, kovine
A concrete transport system ensures the transport of the concrete from the mixing plant to the concrete distributor.
Ureditev okolice
vgradnja robnikov, izdelava drenaže, polaganje pranih plošč ali zaključek ob fasadi s prodcom
Izdelava podkonstrukcij
Architecture encompasses the pragmatic aspects of realizing buildings and structures, including cost estimation and construction administration.
Izvedba kleparskih in krovskih del
A concrete transport system ensures the transport of the concrete from the mixing plant to the concrete distributor.
Izdelava hidroizolacije
test test test, blabla bla
Razna gradbena dela…
Architecture encompasses the pragmatic aspects of realizing buildings and structures, including cost estimation and construction administration.